Amen. If I do say so myself.
Have I got a story for you. But it's one I need to get busy trying to get it published. Publishers don't much like stories already published on the internet.
Sigh. A brief summary: I was raised in a Unitarian household with parents who ran Great Books discussion groups and taught us to question everything.
However, I was terribly lonely after having moved around about 9 different times by age 14. Long story about how I got sucked into attending a Baptist church thanks to my best friend at the time.
Ultimately I got "saved." But then I had to attend several classes before I could get Baptised. In the third class the instructor insisted that in war, God was always on the side of Christians.
I raised my hand.
"Yes, Georgia?"
"Whose side is God on when Christians are fighting each other?"
The US civil war being a case in point, but I wasn't allowed to explain.
The "teacher" then launched into a tirade about not questioning his authority. And since my parents allowed us to question THEIR authority...I ran, and never went back. Not to the classes, and not to the church.