Georgia NeSmith
1 min readAug 24, 2021


BTW, you may want to check out "unprogrammed" Quaker Meetings. One of them admitted my atheist ex-husband (a good, guy, really, but I needed to be on my own) as a member. Funny thing, he resisted going to Meeting until I left, and then thought he'd get me back by going to Meeting. Well, the rest is history.

There's a lot of freedom of thought, and questioning of thought, among unprogrammed (i.e., silent Meetings) Quakers. My parents ultimately became members & that gave me a "leading" to do so myself.

Visit FGC (Friends General Conference) for an online directory to Meetings around the world. You want "unprogrammed" Friends instead of Friends Church, which is very much like other Churches, ministers and church services and even choir and all--except for certain things (like commitment to pacifism, and "there is that of God in every person") that are specific and come out of Quaker history.

You might find an intellectual home there & lots of people who are very generous with their time and willingness to listen.

Just a thought.



Georgia NeSmith

Retired professor, feminist, writer, photographer, activist, grandmother of 5, overall Wise Woman. Phd UIA School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 1994.