Forgotten Victims in the “Opioid Crisis” Crying Out in Pain

Chronic pain sufferers hurt radically more now thanks to anti-opioid campaigns for blanket restrictions on opioid medications…prescriptions that once gave us our lives back.

Georgia NeSmith
6 min readAug 30, 2021
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on

“Forgotten Victims” challenges the article below, and all others ever written about this crisis without even a single nod toward those of us suffering debilitating pain caused by unending chronic conditions that leave us nearly incapacitated without strong medications that make our lives at least remotely tolerable.

Once again, as with so many other articles like this, there’s no attention to the agony chronic pain sufferers endure, that without strong pain medications they will have to endure until the day they die.

Doesn’t matter how much time and effort the sufferers have given to alternative means of pain reduction — yoga, tai chi, dietary changes, yada yada yada. OF COURSE we tried everything BUT opioid medications before finally giving…



Georgia NeSmith

Retired professor, feminist, writer, photographer, activist, grandmother of 5, overall Wise Woman. Phd UIA School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 1994.