Georgia NeSmith
2 min readJan 29, 2019


I grew up in a family with economic limits so I have an idea of what doing without can mean, but I never had to go hungry. I count that as a measure of wealth — at least we always had food on the table. And a roof over our heads even tho sometimes that meant my grandma’s tiny 2 bedroom house or my aunt’s smaller apartment when my dad was unemployed & mom was pregnant with #4 of 5.

Right now, tho, I have to use food banks to round out my senior’s food budget. Disabled since 1998 & before that having worked mostly part time so my social security is pretty slim, I struggle to get by. At the moment my car isn’t functioning & I don’t have the $ to fix it. I have to ask friends for rides & I absolutely hate asking even tho they’ve never expressed any impatience about it.

It’s not that I’d go hungry without this food. But I’d feel a lot less human & my meals would be a lot less varied.

I don’t mind at all that “nearly expired” stuff. Most items in my town’s pantry have quantity limits: 4 cans fruit, 4 protein items, etc. But the nearly expired items we can take as much as we want so they don’t have to be thrown out.

The people, organizations, & companies who help stock our pantry are quite generous & those nearly expired items are frequently baked goods that are real treats. Like the heavenly chocolate cake from Whole Foods with a price tag of $20 if I’d had to buy it. Or the quarts and quarts and quarts of soup cooked by a master chef who prepares the food for EPIC’s cafeterias [EPIC is THE electronic medical records company w/a campus growing by leaps & bounds even during recessions].

We also get to take as much as we want of fresh fruit & veggies that are only a few days away from rotting. In the summer/early fall those come from gardens grown by EPIC & UW Health employees, so they are super fresh & organic. Those are truly special. [And not close to expiration!]

The about to expire baked goods, home cooked soups, & fresh fruit & veggies add much pleasure to my meals.

I understand & appreciate the sentiment of giving one’s best, but don’t hesitate to donate nearly expired goods. They’ll round out menus for weeks to come.



Georgia NeSmith

Retired professor, feminist, writer, photographer, activist, grandmother of 5, overall Wise Woman. Phd UIA School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 1994.