Georgia NeSmith
Jul 12, 2021


I have a suggestion for you to take or leave. What about self-help publications directed at a black audience? Such as coping with the million or so micro aggressions black people encounter on a daily basis?

Of course, white people would need to read that also, to become conscious of all the things they say that reiterate racism even tho, on the surface at least, they claim to be anti-racism?

I don't mean for YOU to READ.

Rather, for YOU to WRITE. Perhaps gather other writers with the same interests into a publication.

What say you? I'd be the first to subscribe. I've worked hard at eliminating that stuff from my head so that it doesn't even occur to me to say it. But I'm sure I don't recognize everything.



Georgia NeSmith

Retired professor, feminist, writer, photographer, activist, grandmother of 5, overall Wise Woman. Phd UIA School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 1994.