My Brain, My Brain: time for a eulogy
My brain has significantly deteriorated since May 17 2020
Trying to get back on track, and realized this morning (sorry, afternoon) as I tried to write here, the damage to my brain from the stroke I had last May is worse than I thought.
One of two things (or both) happen when I try to use my words. One is far worse than the other.
Losing words.
Well, this used to happen to me a lot before because of my ADHD and the drugs I have to take so I can actually have something resembling a life. But nothing like it is now.
Nonetheless, it’s something my computer can help me with. Back in the day when the only cognitive roadblock was my ADHD, I learned that the best thing for me to do is to put a word into the search box (well, bacl then it was actually a dictionary) that is as close as possible to what I’m…