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#PitMad on Twitter — first experience
#PitMad on Twitter — first experience
[Please scroll all the way down to In other news: for more on where things are with my memoir.]
Recently I took an online course on finding an agent and/or publisher, in preparation for the #PitMad challenge on Twitter this weekend [March 5/6/2020]. The challenge happens quarterly. Hundreds of agents & a few publishers use these 280 character tweets in search of potential new clients.
The #PitMad hashtag identifies the entries. Supposedly they will at least skim your pitches. You get up to three pitches for one book. Other hashtags like #NF, #Mem, etc., identify genre.
If they are interested in receiving a formal query, they give you a heart.
I used only two hashtags — #PitMad and #Mem [for memoir] — mostly because I needed 280 characters for my pitches!
My three:
1] My favorite:
She thought it was a dream. She remembered the dream all her life. She was locked in a dungeon by a wicked witch, and forced to eat baby alligators.