What points? You made no points. You gave very patronizing, useless advice that long generations of protests against racism have proven wrong.
Btw, there’s much more to my response. I was in the midst of writing it when you posted this, tho I did refer to its existence at the end of my reply to you.
Here it is:
If that doesn’t cover the points you imagined you made in your vague first, two sentence, unsubstantiated reply, nothing I say will convince you of the inadequacy and patronizing nature of your perspective.
“Reply Guy” refers to specific social media literature about that category of responses…which is so familiar and cliched it is hysterically funny. Funny tho it is, it is not childish nor uninformed. The chart of reply guy types was created by female PhDs in STEM who were tired of ridiculous man-splaining types explaining concepts to them that they had pioneered in their dissertation and other research.
I include a reference to an article on it for your edification.
I’m not going to bother trying to educate you if you once again produce a cliched response indicating a complete lack of acquaintance with that concept. The “reply guy” is a constantly re-appearing character whose replies merely reiterate stereotypically arrogant, patronizing male replies in social media [as well as f2f interactions].
See also Former Reply Guy
If you won’t take instruction from a woman, maybe you’ll take instruction from a man who DID.
Bye now. Stay healthy. Take whatever down time you have during the Great C-Virus Adventure of 2020 to learn more about what works and what doesn’t work when one is fighting systemic equality against people who say they want equality but will never admit the reality that don’t want to give up their privilege.