Georgia NeSmith
1 min readMar 1, 2022


You and your readers may be interested in this take I have on the "not all whites" repetitive defenses given by white people who have borne the "slings and arrows" brought down upon them by clueless comments they have made:

When we argue “not all whites,” we say: “I can’t hear your pain.

”We say, “the pain I feel when you include me in your description of white people is more important to me than the pain you feel when experiencing racism daily. (And besides…it can’t really be all that bad, can it? I mean, for realz…/s).

Even if/when we acknowledge our privilege, that privilege doesn’t go away. We still own it. Saying “not all whites” when the subject is someone else’s pain and grief *prioritizes our pain over theirs,* changing the subject to us.

Centering OUR experiences, OUR identities.

We demand the opportunity to explain why what we said or did that precipitated the person’s pain is not racist, because *our feelings about what we see as a false accusation must come first.

We are focused on our own feelings, not how something we said or did could fit into the larger context of their lived experiences.

In the process, we minimize the impact of racist institutional power.

More here:

Playing the Denial card: Yes. All. Whites.



Georgia NeSmith

Retired professor, feminist, writer, photographer, activist, grandmother of 5, overall Wise Woman. Phd UIA School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 1994.