Georgia NeSmith
2 min readAug 6, 2021


Your revision here is still full of logic and evidentiary holes.

And you still maintain the attitude that will ensure at least a few hundred thousand more people will DIE.

Including, possibly YOU, since you are likely to be around OTHER unvaccinated people, which means you are likely to be around CORONA VIRUS-19 carriers.

There's been PLENTY of research done already. That includes the MILLIONS of people in the USA already been vaccinated. Like me--vaccinated in late March without getting even a sore shoulder.

In the USA on this date (August 6, 2021) nearly 200 million Americans have received at least one dose. While there have been a few serious reactions, the number in no way compares to the number of people who HAVE DIED ALREADY. Never mind all the people who have been maimed by the disease.

So, you choose to remain in danger of DYING FROM COVID as well as a person who RISKS INFECTING OTHER PEOPLE ... at a rate several million times the exceedingly few who have died from the vaccine.

And then there are the millions...possibly BILLIONS who have received the vaccines world wide.

You say you are waiting for the research.

You can't get more definitive than 200 million people who have not had any serious reaction to any of them. Never mind the rest of the world.

No experimental study can come anywhere near that large of a test group.

Not to mention, you still didn't address any other points that I made.

As a CURRENT unvaccinated person by your choice, you still fit in with everything I said about the "unvaccinated by choice" people.

YOU STILL have not considered the fact that it's not just about YOU but about all the people you could infect, especially if you were one of those who gets it without any symptoms.

See--that means you get your so-called "freedom" -- which means you have the freedom to infect by your own choice."

Choosing not to be vaccinated does not impact ONLY YOU.

It is not ONLY about YOUR body.

Among those who could get infected thanks to you, etc. are those who are UNABLE to physically handle the vaccine.

With communicable diseases it is NEVER just about the individual.

It's about the entire community. Which you clearly don't give a flying fig about because you STILL haven't acknowledged that fact in your changed response.

So where is your answer to the kids whose parents won't get them vaccinated, and they die as a result?

What's your answer to all the other threatened populations who can't get vaccinated?

Where's your answer to the people you COULD infect while you wait for the research that gives better results than a test population of 200 MILLION+ people.

How many people have o die before y'all wake the F up?????



Georgia NeSmith

Retired professor, feminist, writer, photographer, activist, grandmother of 5, overall Wise Woman. Phd UIA School of Journalism & Mass Communication, 1994.